Welcome to ArmaServicesNET Fire System installation guide. Please follow these simple steps to avoid any errors while installing this module:

Step 1. Copy and paste ServerAddons/asn_fire.pbo to your server addons. (Default path is @life_server/Addons in your server root)

Step 2. Copy and paste content of Mod folder to mod you use – you can sign content with your own signatures.

Step 3. Include fire_config.hpp into your description.ext (follow the example in package), configure it for your own purposes.

Step 4. Add this code line to init field (editor) of any object. This will create action on that object for players to assign\unassign as fireman:

this addAction["Sign\Unsign as Firefighter",{call DT_fnc_signUpFireman},0,0,false,false,"",'(playerSide isEqualTo independent) AND {(cursorObject distance player) < 1.5}'];

Step 5(Tonic Framework) You should allow your medics to use weapons (extinguisher is a weapon), search your Config_Master.hpp for restrict_medic_weapons value and make it false.

Additional Information
Assets classnames:

  • ASN_coveralls_FD_black_uniform
  • ASN_fireammo
  • ASN_tankpipe
  • ASN_oxygentank
  • ASN_firehelmet
  • ASN_firemask
  • ASN_fireextinguisher

Avaliable functions (client):

  • DT_fnc_notifyFiremans
  • DT_fnc_hazardPay
  • DT_fnc_signUpFireman
  • DT_fnc_addFireEventHandler
  • DT_fnc_setPlayerOnFire

You can review content of a function using any debug console.

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