Welcome to ArmaServicesNET Realistic car repairing system installation guide. Please follow these simple steps to avoid any errors while installing this module:


Step 1. Inside of the archive that you downloaded from your cp, you’ll find two folders: “Server” and “Client”, drag “asn_freex_repairSystem.hpp”, that you’ll find inside your client folder, inside of your “config” folder in your mission root (missionname.island)

Step 2. Edit your description.ext and after ‘ #include “config\Config_Master.hpp” ‘ add ‘ #include “config\asn_freex_repairSystem.hpp” ‘

Step 3. Open your ‘ fn_vInteractionMenu.sqf’ inside your ‘core\vehicle’ folder of your mission root, replace

_Btn1 ctrlSetText localize “STR_vInAct_Repair”; _Btn1 buttonSetAction “[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_repairTruck; closeDialog 0;”;

if ((life_inv_toolkit >= 1) && {alive life_vInact_curTarget} && {([life_vInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_isDamaged)}) then {_Btn1 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn1 ctrlEnable false;};


_Btn1 ctrlSetText localize “STR_vInAct_Repair”;
_Btn1 buttonSetAction “[life_vInact_curTarget] spawn life_fnc_repairTruck; closeDialog 0;”;
if ((life_inv_toolkit >= 1) && {alive life_vInact_curTarget} && {([life_vInact_curTarget] call life_fnc_isDamaged)}) then {_Btn1 ctrlEnable true;} else {_Btn1 ctrlEnable false;};
if  !(_curTarget isKindOf “Ship” || _curTarget isKindOf “Air”) then {
  _Btn1 ctrlEnable false;
and replace
_Btn4 ctrlShow false; _Btn5 ctrlShow false; _Btn6 ctrlShow false;
_Btn4 ctrlSetText “Open Repair Menu”;//
    _Btn4 buttonSetAction “[] spawn freex_repair_dialog;”;//
    if !(call compile getText (missionConfigFile >> “freex_repairSystem” >> “settings” >> “conditionDialog”)) then {//
        _Btn4 ctrlEnable false; //
    _Btn5 ctrlSetText “Repair nearest wheel”;
    _Btn5 buttonSetAction “[] spawn freex_repair_wheelRepair;”;
    if !(call compile getText (missionConfigFile >> “freex_repairSystem” >> “settings” >> “condition3d”)) then {//
        _Btn5 ctrlEnable false; //
    _Btn6 ctrlSetText “Toggle Repairing GUI”;
    _Btn6 buttonSetAction “[cursorObject] spawn freex_repair_interface;”;

Step 4. drag the asn_freex_repairSystem.pbo from the server folder to your @life_server\addons folder in your server root

Step 5. drag “asn_freexRepairSystemDialog.hpp” from the client folder to your missionroot\dialog folder and add ‘#include “asn_freexRepairSystemDialog.hpp”‘ to your masterHandler.hpp

Additional Information
You can configure the script inside “asn_freex_repairSystem.hpp”
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