Welcome to ArmaServicesNET core installation guide. This framework is made to support and launch installed products and provide additional functionality to your server disposal. Please follow these simple steps to avoid any errors while installing this framework:

Step 1. Please download the core module by logging into your Control Panel and select core and click download.

Step 2. Copy all contents from Extensions folder according to your used operating system to your life server folder (usually @life_server) which is located at your server root (same folder where you run arma3server from).

Step 3. Copy all contents from ServerAddons folder to your life servers addon folder (usually @Life_Server/Addons) which is located at your server root (Same folder where arma3server). Change the customer key in next step.

Step 4 (Optional). Add ‘ASN_fnc_controlPanel’ function to your CfgRemoteExec section directed to SERVER to have the control panel enabled. If you already have existing remote execution class, add this function to the existing list the same way as other functions. If you experience issues with setting this up – you can use this link to get more details about this.

Step 5. Download and install PBO Manager – this tool will be required to extract and change the key placed inside asn_key. Extract that PBO by right click on it and change the key inside key.hpp to your product key. Repack PBO back with they key you entered (right click on extracted folder).

Step 6. Launch your server

Additional Information

  1. In some specific cases your server will not be able to launch module due to missing steps or required common packages. In that case please follow troubleshooting solutions.

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